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Colombia: the Disappeared of the Palace of Justice

This pamphlet represents the remembrance of the people that disappeared during the assault of the Palace of Justice by the guerrilla group known as Movement of the 19th of April.

The seizure of the Palace of Justice in 1985, with the objective of bringing President Betancur to trial, turned into a tragedy with the retaking of the Palace by the Army, with a toll of 11 magistrates dead, several civilians, and missing persons, for a total of 94 dead. Other acts, such as the assassination of José Raquel Mercado, president of the trade union CTC, or the 53-day kidnapping of Álvaro Gómez Hurtado, were repudiated. This is our starting point. In this website you will find some insights about the Colombian conflict and a reality of peace re-building, Planeta Paz.



With this pamphlet in mind we decided to face the huge theme of the Colombian conflict from a perspective that shows not just the history and tragedies of the conflict but also the resistance and attempts of the Colombian society to rebuild peace in the country. To do that, we analysed a local organisation called Planeta Paz that is working together with other associations and civil society sectors to create a participative environment. The goal is to build social strategies for peace and solve conflicts including and considering the claims of each sector of the society, such as women, indigenous communities, among others.


Palacio de Justicia Alfonso Reyes Echandia Cl. 12 #7-65, Bogotá, Colombia




Planeta Paz LAS

Sebastián Bermúdez, Lucia Canziani, Valentina Giorgis, Irene Giannulo

©2022 by planetapazLAS. Creato con

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